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About Our Model

Who we are

Natural Developmental Behavioral Approach (NDBI)

We use a Naturalistic Developmental Behavioral Interventions (NDBI) to empower parents like you to teach your children new skills in the areas of communication, socialization, imitation, and play. NDBI’s are a newer, but highly researched, classification of interventions that combine child development principles with learning principles found in Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) to create an intervention that is child-led, focuses on emotional connection with caregivers, is play based, and places a heavy emphasis on creating goals that align with the family’s values

Our services

Why Parent Coaching

In our experience working with families within the traditional ABA model, we know that parent training is often overlooked or is implemented poorly (if at all). We focus on coaching caregivers like you and providing you with the necessary support to succeed. Caregiver coaching isn’t an afterthought. It’s our passion. 

A significant benefit of our parent-coaching is an increase of overall therapy time for your child as you begin to integrate the strategies we teach during your family’s typical daily routines. Beyond this, it encourages you to be an active participant in your child’s journey, empowering you to feel like you have the necessary tools to positively impact your child.

Additionally, NDBI based parent coaching is backed by research. Several studies have indicated that an NDBI model of parent coaching can accelerate development in children with ASD in the areas of joint attention, communication, and cognition.

Why BCBA Direct Services

We believe in high quality services that BCBA’s should be the ones providing these services directly to their clients. In a typical ABA model, a Registered Behavior Technician (RBT) provides the direct treatment and the BCBA oversees the case, provides the training to the RBT, and completes evaluations and assessments. Within this typical model, the highest trained providers interact with client’s the least amount of time. We want to flip the script and provide clients access to a high quality provider who will complete the direct intervention, as well as parent coaching, assessments and treatment planning. 

Session Breakdown

Our Parent Coaching Session Structure

Your time is valuable. We want to maximize the value you get from our sessions together. 


Flow of Session

During each of the 24 sessions, we will spend time teaching a new concept, modeling the skill with your child, supporting you as you and your child practice the skill, and providing feedback on how you can adjust use of the skill for the next time.

Weekly Practice

Before we leave we will work together to develop a practice plan that you can work on with your child until our next session. This will provide you with more opportunities to continue building your skills. Each of our lessons address concepts that build on each other sequentially.

Challenging Behavior

If your child has challenging behavior that is a barrier to skill building, we will design a behavior intervention plan that will help you learn how to implement various techniques in order to help your child better advocate for their needs and reduce the need for challenging behaviors.

Our Process

How it Works

Treatment plans are custom tailored to each client and their specific needs therefore the total recommended number of sessions and number of hours/week will vary. We work closely with you and take into consideration other therapies the client may be receiving as well as the client’s school schedule, and any other commitments the family has when creating a treatment plan for your child. In general though, parent coaching will take place 1-2x/week and sessions will be 60-90 minutes in length. It BCBA direct with client hours are recommended it is rare for these hours to exceed 5-10 hours/week. 

Skills build on each other sequentially, therefore for parent coaching we will consistently work with one main caregiver throughout the program. However, other caregivers and siblings are welcome and encouraged to attend. The more individuals that work on the skills with the child during their normal daily routines, the more practice the child is getting and the more overall opportunities for learning. 


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